Switching suppliers could save you money on your bill. It's easy to do and only takes a few minutes. You can get a dual fuel quote or compare gas and electricity prices separately. 
As well as the price of a new tariff, there are other reasons you may wish to switch:
Protection against future price rises
Picking a fixed price tariff will ensure that even if prices rise, the rates you pay for your gas and electricity remain the same until the end of the fixed period
Customer service
If you've been unhappy with the service you received from your current supplier, you may wish to switch to one with higher customer service standards.
Environmental awareness
A number of companies offer green tariffs where 100% of the electricity supplied comes from renewable sources, helping you to reduce your carbon footprint.
Tips for saving more
As well as comparing energy prices, changing the type of tariff you have or the way in which you pay for your energy could also save you money.
Suppliers will often provide additional discounts to tariffs for the following reasons:
Opting for paperless billing and managing your account online.
Paying monthly by direct debit.
Switching both gas and electricity to the same supplier - known as a 'dual fuel' tariff.
What happens after I've switched?
Dealers send your chosen new supplier your application and they do the rest.
Within a couple of weeks you should receive a welcome communication from them.
Your switch should be complete in 4-6 weeks!
How to keep bills down
Energy bills are a large part of our monthly household expenditure, so after you switch follow these handy tips to continue to stay in control of your energy bills.
Remember to provide your supplier with accurate meter readings regularly. This will ensure you are only paying for the electricity and gas you are using and avoid any surprises further down the line.
If you are on a fixed price tariff, keep a note of the end date. Companies often transfer customers to their more expensive standard tariff when a fixed price deal comes to an end. So comparing deals a few weeks before your fixed tariff ends is advisable.
Keep an eye on how much electricity you use. It sounds simple but remembering to turn off lights or electrical items when they are not in use can really help keep your bills down. For more useful energy saving tips, see our energy saving guide.
Text Referred from confused.com
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