How To Save Home Gas

During Winter
Lowering the temperature by one degree during any 24-hour period decreases your heating bill by up to 3%, but do not turn off your furnace - it will use more gas to return to a warmer temperature. Instead, try setting your thermostat to these temperatures:
When you're home: 68 degrees
When you're away: 60 degrees
Let in the Sunshine. Keep draperies and shades open during the day but remember to close them at night to reduce chill from cold windows.

Install a programmable thermostat. This allows you to save energy by setting your home to a lower temperature during the evening and when you're away.
nsulate pipes, walls, attic, crawl spaces, basement and floors, as well as ventilator ducts and water pipes that pass through unheated areas such as the garage, basement, and attic. Note: When purchasing insulation, higher 'R-values' represent better insulation.

Inspect heating and air ducts. Ensure ducts in conditioned areas are as clean as possible. In unconditioned areas, such as an attic or vented crawl space, seal your ducts to prevent leaks.

Seal cracks and leaks on doors and windows. Caulk and weather-strip around doors and windows to reduce air flow and energy loss.

Lower water temperature. Save between 3%-5% in energy costs for each 10ºF reduction of your water heater temperature. Consider setting water heater to 120º, and switching to "vacation" when you're away.

Replace older appliances with ones that have high energy-efficiency ratings. Note: these may be eligible for federal tax credits or rebates.

Run full laundry loads on a cold or warm water setting. Minimize unnecessary loads and save on heating costs.

Install a low-flow showerhead. Traditional showerheads deliver between 5-8 gallons of water per minute (gpm). The current standard for low flow showerheads is 2.5 (gpm) at the same water pressure, so an investment of as little as $5 can cut the cost of a hot shower by 50%.

Repair leaks in showers and faucets. A single faucet that drips just once every second wastes 8.6 gallons per day, or almost 260 gallons per month.

Adjust dishwasher settings. Use the "energy saver" switch on your dishwasher; set it on the low temperature setting when feasible.

Rearrange furniture or shorten draperies to unblock registers and air returns.

Change furnace and A/C unit filters a minimum of three times a year or more to ensure maximum air flow and cooling efficiency.

When it's hot outside, set your thermostat to 78 degrees or warmer with the fan switched to auto. For additional savings, raise your thermostat to 82 degrees or warmer when you're away.

Reduce your natural gas bill

Save money by saving energy 
The best way to reduce your household gas bill and save money is by understanding how to reduce your energy usage. Take a look below at some simple and effective ways you can save energy and save money!

Hot Water
Regardless of the type of hot water heater you have, everyone can save energy and water by following these tips:

Taking shorter showers.
Installing a water saving shower head (AAA rated) can reduce the water used from 22L per minute to just 9L per minute.  Less water used means less gas to heat the water.
Immediately repair dripping hot water taps.
When doing the dishes, fill the sink with just the water you need instead of leaving hot taps running.
Ensure that the temperature on your hot water storage tank is set at 60 degrees Celsius.  Higher than this will use gas unnecessarily, but lower may allow bacteria to thrive.  The temperature on an instantaneous system should be no more than 50 degrees Celsius.
If you have a hot water storage tank system, turn it off when you go on holiday.
Maintain your hot water system every five years.
You may not realise, but you can save money on your heating costs too by:

Lowering the temperature on the thermostat,  a couple of degrees will make all the difference.
In winter buy some thicker curtains.  These will help keep the heat in, limiting the amount of time the heating needs to be on for.

Thicker duvets and blankets on your bed will also limit the need for heating.
Consider putting the heating on a timer so it automatically switches off.  It can be easy to leave the heating on and forget about it using more gas than required.

Washing Machine 
Some washing machines use hot water via a hot water inlet, whereas others take in cold water and heat it within the washing machine.

Washing your clothes on a cold water cycle will generally save energy.  If your washing machine takes in hot water it will save on power.  If your washing machine takes in cold water and heats within, it will save gas.

Fun fact: Washing in cold water will effectively clean clothes and remove stains. Consider using warmer water only for heavily soiled clothes or bedclothes.

Energy-efficient appliances

By choosing energy-efficient appliances, you can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save money on your gas bill.

Text Referred from gas-south.com and kleenheatng.com.au

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